Lampang Rajabhat University

  Focus on providing educational opportunities for people. Build potential as a powerhouse of wisdom local development producing knowledgeable manpower competence and virtue Have a consciousness of serving the locality and the nation Rely on local academics to be strong and sustainable Produce and develop teachers and educational personnel Manage the university with modern technology and innovation. Transparency with good governance has developed progressively continuous and sustainable


      'University for Local Development'

University vision

To be a learning and creative organization for sustainable local development


Volunteer graduate with morality and leading society

Mission statement

According to the Rajabhat University Act, B.E. 2557 (2014), as specified in Section 7, the missions of Lampang Rajabhat University are as follows:
1. Produce quality graduates have a good attitude Being a good citizen in society and having the capacity to meet the needs of graduate users
2. Research to create a body of knowledge and innovation with quality and accepted standards Focus on integration for concrete benefits
3. Develop localities according to their potential The real problems and needs of the community by transferring knowledge, technology and bringing the royal ideas into practice
4. Build a network of cooperation with all sectors for local development. and to strengthen the strength of community leaders to have morality and ability to manage
for the benefit of the public
5. Effectively manage resources within the university with good governance. ready to support changes for continuous development and
still standing and being Thai